__init__ in python

In Python, `__init__` is a special method, also known as the "initializer" or "constructor." It is called automatically when an object of a class is created. The primary purpose of the `__init__` method is to initialize the attributes or properties of the object with values provided as arguments during the object creation.

Here's a simple example to illustrate the use of `__init__`:


class MyClass:

    def __init__(self, parameter1, parameter2):

        # Initialize instance variables

        self.attribute1 = parameter1

        self.attribute2 = parameter2

# Creating an object of MyClass and passing values to __init__

my_object = MyClass("value1", "value2")

# Accessing attributes of the created object

print(my_object.attribute1)  # Output: value1

print(my_object.attribute2)  # Output: value2


In the example above:

- The `__init__` method is defined with the special `self` parameter, which represents the instance of the object being created. It is followed by other parameters (`parameter1` and `parameter2` in this case).

- Inside `__init__`, attributes (`attribute1` and `attribute2`) are assigned values based on the parameters provided during object creation. The use of `self` is necessary to distinguish instance variables from local variables.

- When an object (`my_object`) of the `MyClass` is created, the `__init__` method is automatically called with the values `"value1"` and `"value2"`. This initializes the attributes of the object.

Using `__init__` allows you to set up the initial state of an object when it is created, providing a way to ensure that necessary setup operations are performed. It is a fundamental part of object-oriented programming in Python.
