Dynamically Typed Language

A dynamically typed language is a programming language in which the type of a variable is not explicitly declared in the source code but is determined at runtime. In dynamically typed languages, variable types are associated with values, and the interpreter or runtime environment is responsible for checking and enforcing type constraints during program execution.

Key characteristics of dynamically typed languages include:

1. Implicit Type Assignment: In dynamically typed languages, you do not need to explicitly specify the data type of a variable when declaring it. The type is inferred based on the value assigned to the variable.

2. Type Checking at Runtime: Type checking is performed dynamically during program execution rather than at compile-time. This means that type errors, such as attempting to perform an operation on incompatible types, are detected when the code is actually running.

3. Flexible and Expressive: Dynamically typed languages offer flexibility, as variables can be assigned values of different types at different points in the program. This flexibility allows for more expressive and concise code.

4. No Variable Type Annotations: Developers do not need to provide type annotations for variables or function parameters, reducing the amount of boilerplate code and making the code more readable.

Examples of dynamically typed languages include:

- Python: Python is a dynamically typed language. Variable types are determined at runtime, and you don't need to explicitly declare them.

- JavaScript: JavaScript is another dynamically typed language commonly used for web development. Variable types are determined dynamically during the execution of the program.

- Ruby: Ruby is a dynamically typed language known for its simplicity and productivity. Like Python, Ruby variables do not have explicit types.

Contrast this with statically typed languages, where variable types are explicitly declared and checked at compile-time. In statically typed languages, the type of a variable is known at compile-time, which can catch certain types of errors before the program is run. The choice between dynamic typing and static typing often depends on the programming language's design philosophy and the trade-offs it makes in terms of ease of use, flexibility, and error checking.
